Human Resources Archives - Church Executive

Churches should be watching the safety of their cash deposits amid bank loan losses from vacant commercial real estate

Ensure that your church’s bank deposits are safe…no matter which bank you use! By Mike Batts, CPA Remote work is still a strong force after the COVID-19 pandemic, with many businesses allowing their employees to work remotely. Remote work’s lingering reality has significantly reduced the demand for commercial office and business space. The resulting increase […]

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LIONHEART CHILDREN’S ACADEMY AT CENTRAL CHURCH: Happy kids + happy parents + happy staff = happy church

Oksana Miller (Academy Director); Julie Cook (Assistant Academy Director); Giselle Arroyo (Front Desk, 2019-2021);  Lidya Pixley (Community Director)   By RaeAnn Slaybaugh Back in 2015, Central Church in Plano, Texas, wasn’t offering childcare at all. Suddenly, the chance emerged to open one of the first Lionheart Children’s Academy locations in America — a licensed, full-service, […]

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Theft prevention strategies for church leaders

  Church Executive: Just how big of an issue is employee theft in churches, really? Mike Nester: I wouldn’t say it’s one of the larger issues that our churches are dealing with, but it’s one of the easiest to work on. That said, we do see losses; we’ve had more than $1 million in claims […]

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Succession planning

By Denise Craig, CAE CCA  You won’t be in your role forever. Whether you are serving as the Senior Pastor, the Church Administrator, or as the Facility Manager, one day someone else will be leading at your church. It could be through retirement, moving on to another role, or an emergency no one could have […]

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Your summer doesn’t have to slump — 4 ways to prepare now

Summer is a busy season filled with travel plans, vacations, and shifting schedules. However, amidst the hustle and bustle, it’s important to remember that even when we’re on vacation, your mission isn’t on pause. Wherever life takes your community this summer, you’ll want to make sure that your church and the gospel message are only […]

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Together We Disciple

Tailoring Ministry To Resonate With Each Generation Every church leader has a deep desire to connect, resonate with, and grow their people. And while they might all belong to one church body, a factor that influences how each person will experience church and growth is their generation. Each one has its own unique characteristics, beliefs, […]

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How your house of worship should be addressing the risk of sexual abuse

By Eric Spacek April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month, making this a perfect time to review your organization’s policies and practices to protect children from sexual assault. With this in mind, we spoke with Eric Spacek, assistant vice president – Risk Control at Church Mutual Insurance Company, S.I.1, who outlines how organizations can help […]

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“What do you want to be when you grow up?”

This is a question we’ve probably all been asked, or we have asked someone else. Now that you actually are a grown up, how did things turn out? Is it like you thought it would be, or did life take you down some unexpected twists and turns that led you to a destination where you […]

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Life-Long Learning for Church Leaders

By Denise Craig, CCA As a former educator, I have always felt life-long learning is something of value. It is important. Here are just a few reasons why church leaders should be life-long learners: The Bible is living and active, so being a constant student of God’s word means no matter how many times we […]

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Together We Recharge

Reset, Renew, and Revive Your Church in the New Year After a successful holiday season, full of worship and celebration, everyone in the life of the Church is understandably a bit tired. Everyone from the staff and volunteers, to lifelong members and occasional guests need a moment to recharge their batteries. Unfortunately, this leads to […]

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