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An effective worship space for kids is no small feat

Preschool and children’s spaces are the most unique of all worship spaces, in my opinion. They must capture these special worshippers and hold their attention while also supporting the worship leaders. Even with younger ages in attendance and shorter “sermons,” these services are no less significant.

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An introduction to church facility stewardship

I’m a firm believer that everything on earth belongs to God. Our money. Our houses. Our cars. The word of God. Our families. The people we encounter — and the facilities in which we worship. God has entrusted us with the stewarding of all these items.

For me, stewardship is less about what we give and more about taking care of what we have been given — of all that’s entrusted to us.

So, how do we define “entrusted”?

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Effective student spaces: 3 tried-and-true design elements

Many student worship spaces use design elements that promote ministry and embody many of the same elements we find in all worship spaces. However, student worship spaces typically take it to a different level. While the ultimate goal is to worship Jesus, there’s also a practical goal: to maintain a connection with the student, who’s bombarded with all the trappings of today’s culture and crowd. To be successful on both fronts, the architecture and the design of the space must uniquely “speak” to the student population.

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Safety Strategies: Playing it safe

Accidents and injuries were almost a given, accepted as an inevitable part of life. Even during a span of eight years of the 21st century, more than 200,000 children were treated in emergency rooms each year for playground-related injuries.

But these times, they are a changin’ — and passively accepting that kids are destined to get hurt on a playground no longer should be the case. The jungle gyms and merry-go-rounds from yesteryear have been replaced with equipment that has been built with safety in mind.

And while injuries and accidents cannot be completely prevented, there is much one can do to help keep playgrounds as safe as possible.

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Engaging children’s ministry spaces: 4 essential elements

My earliest memories of Sunday school involve walking (in very uncomfortable shoes) into an old, dimly lit gymnasium and turning down a white-painted corridor. There, I entered a white-painted classroom. There were no windows and a hodgepodge of furniture.
The most memorable thing about my Sunday school room was a small, white plastic bank shaped like a church that sat on a table by the door. Here, everyone dropped in their nickel offerings as they entered class each week.
Today, that same church has an entire building devoted to children’s ministry.

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The stewardship of space

Common sense and economics dictate that if you can make better use of your church’s existing multipurpose space, you can avoid costly building programs. The result is more money to fund your growing ministries.

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Multipurpose church design isn’t a trend — it’s a tradition

In the early days, when settlers would start a new community in America, one of the first structures they built was the church. Today, the tradition continues as more and more churches create their own communities within their local communities.

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Good Steward Award Winner: Oklahoma Youth Camp (Sparks, OK)

A “Good Steward” Award recipient in the area of children’s / youth spaces, this Assemblies of God facility in Sparks, OK, has 16 modern cabins — each 6,000 square feet — with four large bunk rooms surrounding a central commons area.

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Can’t build a youth facility just yet?

When your church doesn’t have the resources to build additional facilities for youth ministries, what are you to do?

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The case for maximizing your space

Sometimes, renovation or expansion makes more sense than new construction.

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