Human Resources Archives - Page 13 of 28 - Church Executive

When Children Are at Risk

children risk

Proactive, proven strategies for protecting the kids in your care   Q: What are the biggest risks and liabilities facing churches in the area of protecting children? D’Ambrosio: The days are over when ordering a background check on a new volunteer was the ultimate ‘extra-mile’ effort of an ultra-careful church. Today, a background check is […]

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Leadership that goes the distance

10 ‘R’s that will help you be a better steward of the leadership opportunity God has (temporarily) provided By Monty Kelso Leadership is temporary stewardship. Leadership is temporary, because no matter how much we try to preserve our position, role or authority, there will come a day when we’re no longer the first or best […]

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What you should know before recruiting a church intern

church internship

Many churches recruit interns as a way to provide ministry experience for students. Guidelines for unpaid internships have changed.

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Counting collections: 3 “good steward” reasons to automate

Collections are an important part of any church. And, as a church leader, you want to manage your inflow the best way you can.

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7 strategies for dealing with sex offenders at your church

If a sex offender wants to attend your church — or is already worshipping with you — how would you respond? Roll out the welcome mat? Exclude them entirely? Try to find middle ground? These are questions church leaders regularly face.

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Meet Dr. Mark Harden, new president of Ashland Theological Seminary

In 1985, Dr. Mark Harden was beginning a career in law enforcement, serving the Detroit metro area. Uniquely, he brought a commitment to ministry to this public servant role, as well. The two callings unquestionably strengthened the outreach and community service offerings Dr. Harden was able to create and offer in his law enforcement role. They also helped to lay the foundation for his informed, diverse and proven approach to seminary leadership.

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Finances & college planning

The thought of preparing for your child’s college education can be daunting. There are so many questions: How much do I need to save? When do I need to start? What are my options? Here, we tackle four common questions about college planning.

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New York Times best-selling author Dr. John Townsend to launch the Townsend Institute at Concordia University Irvine

Partnership makes Concordia the only university in the nation to offer the Townsend Institute for Leadership & Counseling

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7 key questions when evaluating a church software solution

One of the challenges I have run into when selecting a software provider is the distraction of the new and shiny features, keeping me from selecting a solution that is the best fit for the organization. I have learned from my mistakes over the years, and I now have 7 questions I always ask when evaluating any software provider in order to select the best solution possible.

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How to use leadership restlessness

Leadership restlessness is something most leaders feel — usually more often than not. It’s the nagging question that keeps you thinking … what’s next? In the case of the church, this question can be corporate, meaning you’re thinking what’s next? for the entire congregation. This question can also be personal, meaning what’s next? for me individually.

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